This past year has been a year of major transformative growth. Whether knowingly or not, I managed to attract people into my life who have changed me irreversibly. I'm sitting here in my bedroom/studio right now, half awake from the wear and tear of today, knowing there is much to be said and expressed in this post. I'm fighting with the little energy I have left today to give to the most important thing in my life, my dream (aka my blog, my illustrations, my love of travel, and my connections with all of you). This severely skewed equation of how my time is divided daily, as a result of a demanding full-time job, is perhaps the reason I'm writing this evening at all. Something is wrong with the way I'm living and today and each day forward I need to be my own idol.
I came across this particular quote whilst reading the ever honest and admirable Sophia Amoruso's #GIRLBOSS. She writes "I don't want you to look up, #GIRLBOSS, because all that looking up can keep you down. The energy you'll expend focusing on someone else's life is better spent working on your own. Just be your own idol." And when I read this it hit like a barreling freight train unhinged. I can't count the number of precious minutes, hours, days that I have wasted in my life worrying about what the hell everyone else around me is doing. I have been plagued with the disease of dissatisfaction my whole life. Nothing was or is ever good enough. Starting today, that all changes. What I have come to realize in my young 28 years is that it absolutely DOES NOT matter where you come from, good or bad, because it is up to you to determine where you go from here.
There is simply no more time to waste worrying about my circumstances anymore. This is my journey. I own every part of it and if I want things to be different then the change of course can only be led by me. I don't know any other fashion illustrator out there who has branded themselves a traveling fashion illustrator. But just because the category doesn't exist yet, does not mean my brand isn't valid. I realize that in order to live a life of fulfilment I have to be a pioneer, I have to be my own idol. I can't look to illustrators of the past or even my colleagues today. My journey can only be paved by me. Have any of you ever faced a moment in your life where you realized that you had to be your own idol? If so when or how did it happen? My Spring Awakening continues and I would love nothing more than to continue sharing it here with all of you.
Much love,
Meag xx
Great post!
ReplyDeleteI am also guilty of wasting time doing this but I found this quote that reminds me you can change your life and behaviour and create the life you want and deserve whenever you want.
“At any given moment, you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end.” ~Chris Mason Miller
Keep going : )
@DEESIGNGEEK goodness I love that quote so much! Same to you my love and thank you for stoping by and joining in the journey xx
DeleteIt's so hard to follow the be your own idol advice, but I feel like it's more important now more than ever in our age of social media. It is so easy to get wrapped up in other people's lives! Jealousy springs up, and I have to remind myself that most people only post on social media their best moments. I have my own life to live, and this year I have been working really hard to keep that mindset. So thank you for the inspiration. It's important to stay on track.
@Elizabeth Hisle that is so true, it IS ever more important because of the prevalence of social media. It is so much harder to escape and stay focused on your vision when we are constantly getting bombarded with what everyone else around us is doing. But that is the real test of endurance. Do what you love not because of what it will bring you but because of how good it feels inside to pursue what brings you pure joy. Internal motivation takes us much further in life than instrumental motivation. Thank YOU for the inspiration too xx
DeleteI agree with you 100%. Your story can be written only by you and yes! You can be a pioneer, you can invent or reinvent your profession and who you are. I truly believe in that because me too I am at that chapter of my life. Believe!
Toast your Purse with an Outfit!
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@Purse Fixation amazing! Yes we are the authors of our own destiny so get writing and make it what you want it to be xx
DeleteThis is a really inspiring quote and advice it probably took me too long to act on. I spent an awful lot of my degree worrying that I was under-performing and getting increasingly frustrated because I was comparing myself to people who seemed to be putting in half the effort but getting twice the results. It took someone really special stepping into my life to make me realise how self destructive that behaviour is. He made me realise that spending so much time looking at other peoples marks didn't diminish the academic value of mine but it did diminish the emotional value of them to me. I finally recognised that no matter the mark I came out with it was something I really deserved because I'd always worked so hard for it! It's only a little change in attitude but it's made me 100% happier :)
ReplyDelete@Rachel Wright that is amazing and the key lesson here is that you earned your marks. You know that feeling of saving up your money for something you really, really want to buy, and how good it feels when you finally do? Someone out there could always just go and buy what it is that you are saving for, but will it feel as good as knowing you had to work so hard to earn it? The experience is yours and it's personal so embrace your journey, every mistake, misstep, misfortune, and success xx
DeleteYes! Everything about this post is Yes! I love that quote and now it makes me want to read #GIRLBOSS even more! I love the idea of focusing all that energy on yourself instead of others! Inspire others instead of worrying about what they're doing!
@Sara Strauss inspire others instead of worrying about what they're doing, yes! Lead by example. The only limits we have in life are in our own head xx
DeleteLove this so much Meagain!! I already made the picture my background. So inspiring :)
ReplyDelete@Lexicon of Style love that. You are an inspiration to me xx
Deletelove your meaningful message here, super cute and colourful illustration too, and never give up on pursuing things that you truly desire! <3
ReplyDeleteCheck out my latest post feat. NYLON SKY on the Blog :)
AL xx
@Anthea Lau thank you lovely, your blog is super beautiful and I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and have a read xx
DeleteYou inspire with this post. 'Be your own idol'
ReplyDeleteA to the point message.
Thank you.
Waiting for a new post of you :) but I think you are on a holiday now as I've seen on Instagram. Enjoy!
x Sandra
@Sandra MoreStyleThanFashion you are the sweetest my love!! Don't worry I definitely have a new post in the works I miss my blog so much but freelance and full-time work are in HIGH volume at the moment so just trying to come up for air xx